The short film was produced by the Honduran Women Filmmakers Collective in November 2019, as part of the "El Sueño de Alicia" (Alice's Dream) Film Festival in Honduras. Commemorating the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. Thanks to the support of the Spotlight Initiative of the European Union and UN women.
In an unexpected conversation over a visit to her mother, 18-year-old Alejandra hears from afar the story of a former family neighbor who is imprisoned for sexual violence against children. This awakens in Alejandra a sea of inexplicable emotions where she begins to remember that she was also a victim of this person. At the end of a journey of emotions, Alejandra feels happy that this man received justice thanks to the courage of other victims.
Director: Andrea Arauz
Script: Andrea Arauz
Producers: Andrea Arauz & María José Arauz
Cinematography: Sergio Vélez
Video Editing: Madelline Sevilla
Composer & Sound Design: Jorge Ramos